oy. F gn TY MJ 4 Fe —_—_—— :

[" Fire-Srand Quenched, *

Being Something in


UNTO A Lying, Slanderous Book, Entituled ; Geozge For

Digged out of his Burrows, &. Printed at Bo/{oz in the Y ear 1676. of one Rover Viizams of Providence in New: Ergland. Which he Deaicaterh to the XING, with Deſires, That, if the Moit- High pt: aſe, Old and New- England may) Fleuriſh, pw hen the Pope & Mahomet, R ame & Conſtantinople are zn therr Aſhes. Ofa DISPUTE upon XIV. of his Propoſals held and debated betwix! him, the ſaid Roger Williams, on the one part, and Tobn St IWilliem E:mnumadſen and John B 24r1year on the other. At —_— and Newport in Rode-I/la#d, in the Year 1672. Where his 7ropoſals ar cturn 'd upon his own Head, and there and here he vas andis s ſufficiently CONFU 'TED.

In _ Parts,

—_—_— —— _— OSA —_

As aLso, Something in4yfwer io RW SS APPENDIS &c WiIrTH 4

POST- SCRIPT Confuting his Blaſphemous Aſlertions, viz, Of the Blood ef Chrilt, that was Shed, z1s being Corruptible and Corrupted ; 4: 1wat Salvation was by a Man, that was Cor- ruptible, &c. bogr yo unto 1s : adea, A

CATALOG 4 E of his Railery, Lies, Scorn & Bly [of Bextes: And

His TEMPORIZING SPIRIT made manitc(t. Allo, The

LETTERS of V.Coddiz7toz of Rodt- -1fana, and &. Scot of Providence in New- England, Concerning 8... And La/ily, Some

TESTIMONIES 'of Antient & Mo: dern Authors concern- ing the LIGHT, SCRIPTURES,KU LE & the SOUL of Man,

ee ets eat

By y GEORGE | FOX and ET BURNTEAT, © To ated tac I cal. 2 21998 XEW ER 05


noe achE_—_—_—

To the READER: Chriſtian Reader, and all Sober People, chat have Read

Roger Williams his Book, and may come to Read this Anſwer,

Hough we are ſorry, we have this Occafion,that R. W. hath given ns,to give forth this Reply «nd Diſpute with him of

his Slanderous Propoſals (we cannot look upon them otherwiſe, but ſo; and therefore for Truth's ſake, as it 4s in JESUS, and for the Name of Chriſt 44 trve Chriſtianity have we beew conſtrained ts Anſwer him, 2; we have done both in Diſpute and in this:) Yet we have ſo much Charity to be- lieve, that all the Profeſſors in New-England are not of his Fwudement; and thoſe that are, they are like to bear their own Burthen, wheth:y they are Prieſts or Magiſtrates, But of all the Books I ever read, I never ſaw ſo much Foul Lan- ge 4nd Contraditions (which would ſwell up 4 Book too wuch, if we ſhould let the Reader ſee them all diſlint) And #lſs ſo many falſe Concluſions & Inferences, that he hath made, and Invented Words and Principles ts be ours, which we never Heard of —__ neither ever were in our Thoughts: and then, when he hath done, he Raileth at them and us. If 4 Man had ſold himſelf to Work Wickedneſs, aud (Inſpired with « dark Power 4nd Spirit) to invent Falſhood againſt an lanocent 8xd Suffering People, Roger Williams hath done it; who abwſeth his Pen, abuſeth the Preſs, abuſeth his Neighbours ; and he living in 4 Peaceable Government: Which when the People called Quakers had the Government, they never molefted him, AND ſo 'tis not only the Quakers, but otber Sorts of People, that he files out againſt ; which we queſtion, whether ever he had [o much Modeſty, as to ſpeak to any of their Faces: But this has been bls Work, to defile Peoples Minds with his Lies, Slanders, Falſhoods and Forgeries of things againſt us, which we do Abhor : as may be ſeen in his Book, And that which we deſire is, That the Lord may A: give

| 7 Teh nfadnn: of give him REPENTANCE, and all that join, with hin, if it, be ts Jill, -anid it be nit; bid from bit and his Cre, rafts Eyes. 1 SITS L Ana let but the Reader read Roger Williams's former Rooks, and compare them. with- this, that be hath -written ow; and ſee, how he Co:tradicts himſeif : and ſee, what a great Occaſion be and bis Brother take againſt ]. B. for cadiug bim Old Man, or ſaying, He would uot vear upcn the 01d Man, becaufe of his Age, and- that he pitied him, when be brought his falſe Charges agginit us, and could ng gwake them good. But let the Reader, ſee all bis foul Lan: guage 11 b11 Book (who ſliles himſelf an Orator 10 the Kingz end ttt the Reider judge, whether he is warthy of that Tllty ont of whoſe Month axe come ſo many, Corrupt Words, Ac- cuſing or Blaming us for ſaying .in\ pity to him, That he was an Vid Man? But let the Reader = if ſuch Language e- temes Gray 'Hairs 2) together. with - us\ Forgeries, that he has Forg'd 4»d, Pabliſl'd againſt an. Innocenc 41d Suffering People. And if the New England. Prieſts ayd Gower nors have tolerated, 4nd aided and aſſiſted him in the Printing of his Book againſt ns, we cannot expe any. atherways, who ave been. our” Perſecutors,. and ſore. to DEATH., and.fo -we mnft leave him and ihem to the Lord, and Vengeance ts "his, and he will Reward every one of thew according to their Words aud Works : Which certainly he. will do, and hone ſhall efcape the Omnipotent. Hand: of God. 1 And vit Hope, 4rd Truſt a»d Contidence: 7s, 43 .the, LQRD) whe £55 wing God, and ne.do not ſtar, - what Mn can, do-unte. ns" 3 for had we, we bad nexygr flood your WHIPPING-STOCKS,yous GALLOUSES to DEATH (whaſe' BLOOD. Cries © God throngh the . Nations). ayd\, your: CUTTING .0# 8 EARS, and your HOT BRANDING-]JRON, v und: your Cruel Mockings, and Threats, ,aud $POILING>&k G@ODS, and beſides all the Lies, avd Sianders axd' Forgerits; \that bave been Forged agaiuſt us, So that Chriſt's Sajing is ful- "ROS | filled


s # gs Wi izy4Dfr | - filled &ndng you, Thiby ſhall (peak 4.L, MANNER of. EV1L for his Name's ſake againſt, bi; Feople * ſo it's not One Man- ner,. but ALL-MANNER, -But we can Trimmph in the Love | of God and the Lord FESUS Chrift ; 'and\defite the Lord to Forgive jou (if it be his Will) for all your Wickedneſs, 1hat ye have done ani fpokery 4gainft'ui, and" that ye hy al come to [ee your (elves, Whoſe Seavants"ge have been? and I#hoſe Work ye bave heen doing? and Whom ye have fol- lowed #: And what Spirit ye are"of, not to'be of Chri/s} who came to Save Mens Lives, and not 80 Deſtroy ther,

"* And we muſt further Declare, that we cannot Truſt ovy Bo- gies aud Souls 42 the Hands of ſuch, that do not know, mhat Spirit they are of themſelver, aud, have nat Power over their own Raging and Perſecuting Spixits 3 who. are Like unto a City, whote. Wa#s are broken down, . 'But o0#r Truſt 45-1 Chrift, who is the Chief Shepherd, whos we are turn'd to; who Feeds ws in. hi; Paſture of Life: Our Biſhop 10 Ortrſte Ms, #7d our Prophet, that Ged hath raiſed-up, like unto' Moſes, whom we do Hear, @c. "And our Councellour and Leader, that God hath given us © Our Prieſt, that hath Died for us, and Riſen for oar Juſtification z aud at the Right Hand of God Y/who is our Mediator (the Man Chriſt Jeſus) brtwixs 4s and God: and is the Author and Pimfher of ow Faith : And is. our High-Prieſt, over the Houſ:zhold of Faith, and apth Sanftily «s, and Waſh «s with his Precious Blood that he may peient (ws.to God wahgqut, Sport or Wrinkle, or Blerſhootiany ſuch ting: Who Rules in our Hearts by Faith, and ww hes:Grace and Lag, Power,..and' Spirit 4nd Trath, that comes ty him That in the Spirit we come to Tic down in him,” as the Saints did of Old, our REST, yea, in Heavenly Places.in,Ghriſh Jeſus : And, ſo,can praiſe God through F ESUS "Chriltz:: YEA. and AMEN, the. Firlk, and the. Lalt, | *\

[ JOPST% ' vild IeniGAr G. F. "2 Ak 1 I \ | | J; 5:


= I - - . * a " - » 7 hy = F by Bw 6 - o " br. # - "0: of © 4 , , ; - - .. "> . . -- : EY . - . Po © . 23 LR , - s - . . s # 3 . i p X .

- a

ep: OF THE

Priefts & Profeſſors falſe Principles & Aſſertions, which

R. w.. bri in his Book .( from 6G. F.”s Fol.) with his ewn Replies and other: Matters contained in the


' A Braham) They conld diſcern and ſee in thoſe Days, that pag A Abraham's Command to kill bis Child, was the Command

of God; which we cannot now in theſe days. R. W. 32 Alienation) They be Allenated from God, and Enemies until Faith, Joſeph Kellet, 218

el) He makes the Angels proteition « Ground of Chriſt's "Fogg kimſelf down from the Pinnacle of theTemple, R. W., 11 4 $

we ſay, the Angels too are Quakers, aud that Chrift

bath enlightned them ? Id. 106 Apoſtates) Whom do theſe Whoriſh Brood thus brand for Apo- ſtates ? Id. 122

Anointing, P. 33- 80, 31, 83, = Apparel, (ce Garments,

E of good Chear, thy Sins are forgiven thee : How to obtain B this _ from the Mouth of the Mediator, is the g1 eat diſe

pute, &c. (Baptiſm, ſee Supper) R. W. 6,7 Bewitched many at Providence with his Sorceries, &c. Id. 17 | C

Arving) They condemn Carving, Embroidering & Painting Co commended by God himelf in Scripture. (Cain,z2z1)R.W, x 3 CHRIST) The Son of Mary (Goa- Man) i: Abſent from

his Charth. John Bunyan, 40 Chriſt was not in his Diſciples, when -be ſaid, 1 am the Light

of the World. [d, Ib, T hat that Man, that was Crucified, his Body is now.in the Pre-

ſence of the Father, and Abſent from his People, ar touch-

ing his Bodily Preſence. (60, 123) John Burton, 49 Thoſe Believers, that are #n the Body at this Day, are Abſent

from the Lord, Id. go They ſay, be is Abſent from them, as touching bis Fleſh. Id, Ib, Chriſt 5s Abſent from us, while we are in thit Mortal Body, o1 Thomas Moor, (60) They

Parte 1. An INDEX. Page They mean ſuch a Chriſt, as hath no Individual, Bodily Preſence, 122


od riguner $—ante yoo A CH R, W. 123 They cry up a falſe and Helliſh:Chrit, Id. 123 Th a bins (Chriſt, the King of Kings) of his Crown, and Life and all Id, 61 A falſe Chriſt hath a new falſe Faith, to apprehend this Cru- cified Chriſt within, (36) " Jo. Burton, 51 It is a Scripture of the Devil's making, to apprehend this: Cruci- fied Chriſt within, (52) Id, Ib. That their Chriſt 5s nor the true Lord Jeſus Chriſt.” Id. 36 The Lord Jeſus is « far i#his Bodily Preſence, John Bunyan, 39 The Saints have not Chriſt in the Fleſh. ( 34) Sam. Eaton, 38 They have juggled away the Fleſh of Chriſt. (41) R. W. 134 There is not any Heaven within, into which the Man Chriſt is aſcended : or can any Man contain a Man fohr foot long ? John Burton, Fl It is blaſphemy to ſay,thatChriſt i541 Manas God Man, E:Howet.. 42 Chrift God-Man, ' LW. 97 The Saints do not ſee Chriſt, the Heavens contain him. S. Eaton. 39 Chriſt went away into. Heaven from his Diſciples, and ſo nt + within them, John Burton. 5o If the very Chriſt of God be within thoſe, that are called Que- kers, he cannot come down from Heaven, Thomas Collier. 57 Chriſt's Humane Nature, 8c. (43, 56.) Franc, Higginſon. 55 To talk of this Immediate Chriſt without the Scriptures and Means, is Anti-Chriſftian, R. W. 102 That he did believe in a Chriſt, that died at Jeruſalem, but not in a Chriſt within. (47, 56.) Richard Mayo; 45 Let any of theſe Fugglers anſwer, if they ſpeak honeſtly and bona fide, :f there was really ſuch a Man called Jeſus at eruſalem ? &c. (34,3 5:44,47-49,54- 56,117) R.W: 113 Where is the Man Chriſt Jeſus now ? Id. 160 The Proteſtants cry up Chriſt ;n the Scriptures, Id. 189 We ſhaft not ſee Chiilt, wntzl be. come to Fudgment, then and not before we ſhall ſee him. (106) Daniel Gawdry. 43 The Body of Chriſt 5s out of the S1ght of all bis Saints. ]. Bunyan. 40 Chriſt, - char 5s themſelves, &c, (156, 166, 135) | RxW. 153 They make Chriſt « Type, an Example, &c, Id. 155 What is more Common. with them, then Chriſt in you, the Hope of Glory, Id.. 237.

_— ,

"Paw3i7. An INDEX of the Paicfis ant *Profeſſors, and.\Pag, 1 - Theyz &c. to fun thrwigh the brare and baws!ls of Chrif 1d... 99; T#« ſay, / Chriſt within, is never 10; mention. Chiilt' without, *

: ET hey! deny Chriſt without, R, 'W; 55.3. Quakir3 Cavſe, (48 Chriſt 18». wathout -h1is Saints im Reſpett of bus Reaily Preſanick,; ; :

' CChriſt diſtirtt, ſee Diſtinit.) 47. Hoſanna,..&c,' 121 Confeſſion, lee Sin, 4 "\ Congregation) They deny the Gathering of the Saints myo,

Viſible Congregations. | (ſee Miniſters) » R. We 127 .Converſion, 4 : aut $irr £4397 Commands sf God) S:ace the deadly Fall nat one veing (ave... 19. 143 Contradictidns) &. W's..p. 1. 15. av. 938441 37 { 144, 179

+ Church) They deny any Church,” but that Inviſible, Id, 417 D ;

dire). R. "W's. wichrs/fiau 1nd and Deſores... Re a2 K_*. Devil) What Light hath the Devil ? ec. (19) R. W. 168 Diſtint) Thar Gel the Creator” 15.diltint from all Creatires ; that Chriſt being God only in one perſon, remaineth diltinet . from all Men and cngels, (61) | Ralph Farmer. 218 It is an Expreſſion af a derk,, deluded Mind to. ſay, that; God vs tor diſtinguiſhed from his Saints, Enoch Howet.. ib. T hat Chriſt, the Father and the. Holy, Ghoſt are not one, but' \ ©

Three and diftinft. (85, 86) Prieſt Fergiſon;,;167 Chriſt is diſtin&t from every one of us and without us in our par- ticular perſons. (Diicern, 32) Thomas Moor, 53 E ating) [s the Eating of the Flefhh of Chriſt, &c. corporal or c Spiritual ? ( ;.2, 38) R., W. 121 EAGLE) Their Eagle's, Lion: and Fox's Shin, &c. © 1d. 180 Effets) The Merchants deſire to foe EffteAs; te, Id.” 99

Elcion) A certain Number of God's. EltCt cboſon by dercy. 1d: 154 Enlightcn, P. 14, IF, (ſce Leobt, It, Angel) "E:7@5, With. 205 Equal) That one ſhould ſay, ke was Equalwath Cad, (220)

| Francis Higginſen. 165

: F | AITH is a receiving of Chriſt as, anly King, - Prieſt and :Pro- . . . phet, cc, (115, 132, 338, 450)\\ : RW. it;

Fr my

Tut ified by Faitiy atone without good works::(142) G, Wallingt, th 1 Fallings away from Grace and Deſertions, &c, (205) .R'W,» 147 . Farcwcl!)

Part 1. R, W."s Principles & Aſſerttons, &.

Farewell) Some of them will ſay, Farewell, Id, Faſt) That James Parnel faſted 40 days, &c, (200) Id, Fire) Their painted Fire and Hammer, that never breaks nor

burns up Sm. Id. Firſt- Day ) Why they did not proceed on the Firſt-Day. [d, Flames) They will grve up their Lives to the Flames, (See Mar-

tyrs, Trial, ) Id.


I 229

202 68


Form) You call aff Men Dead and Carnal in the Serpent's Na- *

ture, in what Form ſo-ever they differ from you, Hen. Haggar, Fulneſs of the Gantt ſee God. Jo from) _ G, (fx ennkyg Their Crying out againſ# Ornaments of Gat- ments. R, W, GoD) HI i ſaid, That God hath ſhined in our Hearts, Id, They hold no God, no Chriſt, »o Angel, &c. (162.) 1d. The Fulneſs of God us one thing, and our partaking of that Fulneſs, &c. (164, 166, 187, 219.) Id, God manifeſt in the Fleſh, &c, 167, God ſpeed) ſee Recerve. Gy They will call the Godly Vipers, Serpents, Phariſees, Irs ov Id, Goſpel \ They predicate a Falſe and Helliſh Goſpel, &c. Id. The Goſpel the Letter, Samuel Eaton, See New-England, 214, 215. Government ) T heir Spirit tends to bring m Arbitrary Govern- ment. ( 226, 230. ) Grace ſufficient, 146, ſee Angel, Growth, ſee Leaven, Guide, ſee Scriptures.) }. _ arking, Qc, R.W.

And) Their new way of Feeling the Hand,inſtead of Kiſſing. (222. ) Id. Hat ) Their Noiſe about the Hat and Rnce, Lace, Painting, cc. (181-183,) Id, Heaven and Hell). To witneſs Heaven and Hell, and Re- ſurreQion within,ss the Myſtery of Iniquity. (51) ]. Clapham, To ſay, Th: Heaven and Glory «© within Man, which was be- fore Man wa, they are Sottiſh and Blind, ( 163.) Id, Heavenly Places, 39y 121.5 .- - 141 - |

Heathen) G. F, Exakting his Heathen-l:ght above the Scrip- —_— ii R W.

is (a) Hebrew )



Part I. An INDEX of the Priefts & Profeſſors, pag. Hebrew) The Hebrew Word of Everlaſting Father, the Fa-

ther of Ages. RW. 57 They want Hebr. Greek &- Latin, Helps (204, 205.) 1d, 157 1d.

Henry IV. of France, That he was Stab*d by a Friar, 229 Hereſy ) The Quakers Keligion v Hereſy, and themſclues Hes retickKs. Id, 126 Hitchcock, 69,71, 138 Hope ) They overthrow the Nature of Hope, Id. 137 Humane Nature) God the Father never toe: upon him Humane Nature [ 155, the word 208, ] Chr. Wade, 167 | Mee) Toeir new up- ſtart Image, (3-4.) R.W. 14 J:fallible, fee Spirin, Inſpiration, ſee Revelation, Interpretations) They allow of no Interpretations of Scrip- ture.” (184, ) | Id. 149 Inviſible ) They affirm the Church, Miniſters, Baptiſm and Sup- per Inviſible, { 40+ 44, 61 - 63, 189. ) Id, 127 Judaiſm ) There ts much Judaiſm in their Religion, Id, 156

Tudgment, (ſee Spirit) 115, 155, 160, 168, 169, 230. Id. 139 Juſtification ) Jr #5 an Error to ſay, We are Juſtified by that which Chriſt doth inws. (150,144) Joſh. Miller. C It ts not Faith and Works, that Juſtify in the Sight of Ged but its Eaith and Good Works, which Juſtify in the Sight of Men only, &c, (See Faith, ) John Bunyan. 21 5

IK ING DOM ) The Kingdom of Heaven that is in the Saints, 1s n0t #1 the Phariſees, Jam. Brown, > The Kingdom 7s not come, ner the Refreſhing from the Spirit of

the Lord. Thomas Collicr, 168

" They profeſs Chriſt and Spirit, and the Kingdom of Heaven in

the Phatiſees, the very ſame the Saints have, R. W. They deny that Viſible Kingdom and Church of Chriſt, Id, 62 Korah, 106

L. [ ) God wrote Laws for Iſrael, &c. (See Government, item, Maegrſtrate.) Id. 224 Leaven) Can there be ſuch a Muſtard-Seed or Leaven, and yet }) 1 25 not grow * Id. C 126 Liberty) 11, 24, 183, Liberty to Do, 225. Liberty to Speak, Robert Williams. 41 Lie )

OOO I oo on % :

ey #,

bo #,

S 5 4.2 "# RI 4 l Y "> . -

Part I. and R. w.'s Principles & Aſſertions z &C. pag. Lie) &.W.'s Lies: p. 1,2,3,4,8, &c. 16, 17, 18; and Chil-

dren ſaying, Thou Lieſt, &c. R.W. 157 Lifted up) The Quakers and Papiſts Lift up themſelves againſt the Children of God, &c. Id. 18, LIGHT) Their pretended Light. Id, 185 He makes the Light to be Natural, and Born with every Man, $4, $3. 324. Id. 84 Ifa. 8, They have no true Lipht within them, Id. 149 They maintain, That the Light nz: his i that Great Prophet, Id. 61 What Simplicity 1s it, to ſtoop down to Pen and Ink, whcn the Light « ſufficient ? Id. 58

Apgittrate ) The Magiſtrate is not rs Level the Law with ) 1 9

M the Light 2 every Man's Conſcience. John Stallam. 120

That the M:giſtrate ought to ſubjett to his Light, c&c, R.,W. 229 Martyrs) As the Martyrs Fire grew Motter, ſo their Prayers,

&c. (176, 196, 199. ) Id. 94 Means) They talk, of no Means, but Immediate Revelation (74. 73, $1, 82, 102, 103.) Id. 146

Meetings ) Their Dumb Meetings, &c, Singing, &c, Id. 85 Miniſtry) There 4s nothing 14 Man to be Miniltred unto, but } +6 Man. Enoch Howet, & Murther God may ſuffer him to Murther me, &c, R. W. 21 Muſick) They cry dow: _— Gift of God,c+ Muſicians, 1d. 153

71 Aked ) They appear in Publick ( Streets and Aſſemblies ) ſtark Naked. (28, 32, 87, 224, 174.) ha.

W. S. going Naked | 196 Name ) His moſt- Holy Name troaden in the Dirt by Satan, cc.

(23.) Id, 24

The Papilts change the:y Names, cc. Id. 152

Converts, Living Stones, &c, this was and I hope #5 the Prin. ciple of the New-Englifh Church, ( 4, 199. ) | Id. New-Englind - Prieſts [| R, W, proves himſelf and his New-

England Prieſts Hipecrites, and one with Mahomer and with

New-England Charch) Attual Belicvers, True Diſciples and 63

the Papiſts. ] 193 New-England - Priefis and Profeſſors Goſpel needs a ROPE-

HM AKER'S - Shop, &c, - 193 (a 2.) 0,

Part T. - An INDEX of the Prieſts & Profeſſors, paz,

O. Aths) The Pope diſpenſing of Oaths & Marriages. R.W. 18 () Offices) They deny the Perſon of Chriſt, and his Offices, :

(Over-ſcers, 62,63, 111, 127. ) Id. 61 Old Man) Your ſeying often Old Man, Old Man, Rob. W. 72 Oracles of Hell, 4. Apollo's Oracles, - R.W, 18g

P; Arnel) ], Parnel's Impriſonment ,Sufferings & Death, (229) gg Paunch) Peter rells us, Satan's End 35, to fill his Helliſh 7

Paunch with Souls, R, W. 8 Pendleton vow'd, &c. and yet to Maſs he went, Id. 232 Perfection) The Spirits of Fuſt Men made Perfeft, the Qua-

kers ſay, here ; we ſay, in the Life to come, Id. 73

They know net Abſolute Perfection, that are admitting of Mea- ſures and Degrees, (159, 186, 220, ) Hoſanna, @&c. 12c Sarcly, they 6annot be Perfect 7 Equality, but only in Quality, (220, ) Daniel Gawdry. 165 To ſay, that any is PerſeCt, and without Sin, is the Devil ſpeak- ing wm Man, Richard Baxter. 219

Perſecution) The Quakers 4nd Papiſts are Fire-brands both in the Matter of Perſecution, &c. (184, 229, - 232.) R.W. 153 Perſecutors) pag. 11, 13, 14, 24, 94, 118, 178, 179, I99, 202 Pope and Mahomet)) If the HMoſt-high pleaſe, Old & New- 4 England may Flouriſh, when the Pope and Mahomet, Rome { and Conſtantinople are in their Aſhes. ( 16) Id. ( 153 Pope, 121, 182, 183, 7 he Pope «and Mahomet, whom ſome of you may live to ſee )

fiung into the Lake, that burns with Fire and Brim-ſtone, 2 (Pope a#d Turk, 118,) 153: [d, | Prayer) Being cut off in the Midſt by the ſudden Prayer of one, &c. (26.) Id. 17

Pride) I have prov'd and will prove, That Spiriinal Pride, oc, that the Xing Eternal will hardly open his Gates to proud and ſcornful Duſt and Aſhes. (180, 188, ) =, 20 Principles) Their Principles and Prattices are Hypocriſy, 1d, 115


UakerY) The Name QUAKER was given to them, ic, Id, 27 R.

R Ailing) How inſtantly do they Rail, Revile, (86,132,) Id. 131


Rantiſm, h6r Vgly Child and Daughter, (177.) Id. 29-

Wa To 3 A oe, 6 dn >.

. As _—_— __—-

JOE <P";

® _—__—_—— be ths *

Part 1. and R. v.'s Principles & Aſſertions, &c; » pas

Reaſon ) The Rule muſt be my own Reaſon, c+c. Id, $8; Receive) He forbids to Reccive into ther Houſes, Id. 199 Religion) They are far from the true Proteitant Religion and } 1 71

Burning, &c. ( 188, ) Id. F 172 Repentance #s 4 turning from all Sin, &c, (74,89, 128, 133,

130, 140, 173, 201. ) Id, I31 Reſpect) They Diſreſpect Superiors, &c, (Sec Honor.) Id. } 57 Reſurrection, (ſce Heaven and Hell, ) 134, 135» 155, 139

Revelation) Mor are we to wait for a further Revelation to » 4 to be given forth, than the Scriptures; for, &c. (7,44, 77 9.4, 146, 212, 213.) Thomas Moor. / Rome, 21, 44, 1C1, 151, 136, 186

Aints ) May not Men be True Saints in their Perſons * R.W.,-206 Salutations, 223, 224. Salvation ) /t 15 an Error to ſay, Chriſt is the Means to Salva- } 101 tion, [Saxit:fication, 133, 150, 166,] Joſh. Miller. C 103

Satan) Their bowing down to Satan, and owning him as a Light, and Chriſt and Spirit within, &c, (93, 132. ) R. W. 129 SCRIPTURES) This Word of God in the Scripture was the } 110 Ground of Chriſt's Faith, ( 132-134.) Fr, Duke. > 113 That there are above 4 1000 Faults in the Scriptures, ——— 148 T hey do not own the Holy Scriptures, (12,90,94, 99, 148, 149, 182,213, 215.) R.W. 90 The Scripiure is the Judge of DoE&rines && Manners, S. Eaton. 210 This Record 1s the Outward and External Light, Judge, Rule, R, W.

&c. ($1,87-89, 148.) 01 They call the Scriptures a Dead Letter, (100.) Id. 148 That the Light within them is Scripture, Id. 93 Wha: Light have the Papiſts, Jews and the Devil, when he and

they bring Seriptiure ? Id, 108 Scriptures, the Means of Faith, (of Salvation, 102,103.) Id. 148 A Pardon Wruten and Sealei, and Fuſtification, Id. 216 The Pope lifts up humpelf 44 God over the Scriptures, Id. 18;

Search :he Scripin.es ; The Spirits of the Prophets, Ec, Id. 87

They ſay, The Spirit was above the Scriptures, (90, 91.) Id. 8g They makg uje of the Scripture as a Sword, to run through the

Heart & Bowels of Scripture,c> God © Chriſt bimſe!f. Id, 99

The Scriptures to be the only Weapon, where-by Chriſt over- } 108 threw the Devil, (33. ) Enoch Howet, ; The

Part 1:

Supper) Bapti/m & Supper.

An INDEX of the Prieſts 8 Profeſſors,

z8, O3, 121,

Eaching ) God doth nor intend Immediate Teaching, ner to give out any Immediate Voice in After- Ages, which ſhould Direth and Guide Men in the Way of Salvation,

(82, &c. )

Samuel Eaton

Thee 4nd Thou) Why ſhould they ſay, THEE and T HOU t0 the Aged, Learned, Holy and Fligh ? (106, 173, 181 223.)


Trembling) They are far from Trembling at the Word God wn the Scriptures, (27)

Try Spirits, ſee Spirit,


W, 14.5

page The Word of God is contained in the Scriptures, (118, ) Jeremy Ives, 198 ' The Sure Word of Prophecy, the Apoſtle ſpeaketh of, is the ) 103 Prophecy of the Scripture, Hoſanna, cc. þ 107 It is horrible Blaſphemy to ſay, The Scriptures. are not the © P Word of God, and to ſay, The Soul z5 a part of Ged, X : 4 (57, 147, 207) Alexander Roſs. _ Scripture-Language) -7 have uſed ſome ſharp <cripture Lan- guage, «.. Þ Silent ) Why ſhould they not ſit Silent, waiting, &c, (22, $7.) Id. 130 'Sin)) We are Conceived in Sin, and brought forth in Tniquity, : (7, 8, 69, 200, 201, 206, 221, ) Eid. ard Mcif. 1.45 Son) One called him the Eternal Son of Goa R.W. 18 -Soul) God breatbed, &c. and Man became a Living Soul, (139.) m— 62 SPIRIT) The moſt- Holy Spirit of Ged ſo horr:bly torn in: picces by this Fout Spirit. [A Black Familiar, 21 3 9; Id. I5 Though all the Saints have the Spirit of Chriſt dwelling in them, which is Eternal and [Infallible, yer rhar this Spirit 79 ſpould do all,&c. and ſhould Fudge after an Tnfallible Man. $5 f mer,all this we deny. (18, 32,33,152, 185, 139.) S. Eaton, The Hpirit z5 given by External Means. (74, 77.) Id. 7g Sufferings, 12, 194, 196, 197


0+ 29 ZO

|: l


YT as fan


Part 1. and R, w.'s Principles & Aſſertions, &c. pag.

V, Oice) To Hearken to, to Turn to, to Liſten to any Voice * or Motion within in Heavenly 'Things, in Matters of Supernatural Light, is as proper, as in Matters of Law to 3 go for Counſel to a Cheating Thief or Rogue, &c. (6,7, By G1, 91, 93, 115, 146, 154, 160, 185, 139, Igo, 207, 21 \

$12, 233. } R. W. W,

\ Eapons) They prate againſt Carnal Weapons. ( 63, 154, 226, 231.) Id. 175

Was for Were) The Churches Was to Hear, [| inſtead of Were] &c., (218.) Id. 203 Whipping ) The Papiſts whipping themſelves, &c, (231,) Id. 174 Within ) What ts meant by the Word Within ? Id. Sz

Whore) The painted Quaker ſhould follow the Drunken Whore of Rome, Drunk with the Blood of Jeſus, &c. Id. 191 Word ) That he Preacheth an External Word, R, Baxter, 75 The Word 3s a Light to our Feet, &c, R.W. 211

The Prophets and Apoſtles drew People to an Ontward Word, Samuel Eaton, 75 That the Word and Spirit are not one, R. W. 86 They tread upon the Word, (85) Id. 86 Word of Prophecy, ſee Scripture. Work) Pau! Wrought with his Hands, not theſe, &c, in all

their Travails, Id, 152 Works) They maintain' a Covenant of Works. (138, 141, 215-217.) John Bunyan. 143

Worſhip) Doth not the Angel forbid John Worſhipping of him? ( 115, 185, 188 - 190. ) R.W.



OF THE Prieſts & Profeſſors, 8& R.W.'sFalle Principles 8 Aſſertions

With other Matters contained in the

Second Part,


Part II, A. Pag. MERICANS) The Grace of God never appeared to 7 167

the Americans. George Johnſon. ; 168

| Anointing) G. F. wrztes, That they Know ail Things, 0) 1 : (160, 161,) R. W. 2 Anti-Chriſt ) The Proteſtants maintain, T hat the Pope 25 = con Anti-Chriſt, 18

The Pope maintains, That pA 3s not yet come, I 137

es I know, they make - SE; &c. but Ceremonies, (32, 33.) R. W. 120 Battle) The Scripture maintains & Battle between the F I, and Spirit all their Days. [ Blood of Chriſt, ſee Proteſtants, ) 1d. 1 36 Body) Fol. 9z. The Myſtical Body may be ſometimes ſubjcit Ws III

to Diſtempers, and Humors, and Wants, Rob. Simſon. Books ) They ſlight Reading and Studying Books, yea, Guds Book. a R.W. 132 te with Sheaves) They mean God himſelf preſſed down, as a Cart with Sheaves, GW. 1 CHRIST) They maintain Chriſt's Sccond Coming to be Spi- ritual, (38, 39, 147.) Id, 128


Part Il. An INDEY of the Principles & Aſſertions, &. Pap Chriſt's Blood, 126, 127, © m_—_—_— 145 They have Chriſt and the New Covenant within them, (18,

"+ wh Id, ' 21 It is - AN of the Devil's making, to apprehend this Cruci« fied Chriſt within, (27, 116, 117, 134.) J. Burton, 133 Chriſt » Diſtinct from every ove of #5, and without us, and our particular Perſons, Fol. 136, (126- 129.) Thomas Moor. 126 . Chriſt the Door, 94, 146. It ts not properly, nor in a full Senſe, That God « manifeſted in the Fleſh of hu Saints, Fol. 135. (123, 124,126,127, 144.) | Id, 122

They are Chriſt and God himſelf. (39,125-128 ) R.W. 125 Chrilt Sick, &c, 12g. Chrilt, 143- 145 Their Chriſt within, whoſe Name is now Light, Motions with- in, &c, (21, 68.) 1d. 69 * Men are Saved, but not by Chriſt within ws, W. Thomas. 116 Condemn) They Condemn others. (6, 10.) R.W. 35

Congregation) They d:ſown not their own Viſible Congrega- tions and Aſſemblings. (Church in God, 90, 91, 92.) Id. 9 Conſcience) The Scripture plainly denyes, That Conſcience can} 3

Tuſtify, though it may Condemn. (Fol, 11.7] 20. [J. Bunyan.{5 4

Conſciences and Hearts ſprinkled, &c. —— 5-7 Converſion) 1 ak, Where Souls bave been truly Converted by

any ſuch Notion, and not by ſome External Mcans and Out-

ward Hearing ? (34, 36, 40- 44, 46, 8g.) R. W. 87 If God pleaſe to appoint the Words his firſt Apoſtles uſed, tobe full the Means of Converſion, &c. (+ 47.) Id. 40

Contradictions of R.W.'s p. 14- 16, 28, 42, 43, 47, 43, 52 53. 59, 72, 76- 78,82- 84.92, 95, 97, 102, 132, 141, 145, 170, 172, 181, 182, 184, 189, I00, , \ 4, —p— I 96,. 403 Covenant) The New Covenant, &c. an Heart of Fleſh, ind 12 which the Law was writtex, QC, (14,17, 19 - 21, 168,) 1Id.\ -1g

Fir ſt Covenant, | 104 Creation) How ſhould they know 4 Creation, , but by Scripe tire? (51,52, 96.) 5 J SLcD u wn {Mes g5 % - Ange Rs V Loc) ow Ko Ii \ v ; YaD The Devil © manifeſ#\in heir' Elrfb, +11, 34, 90, +

148, See Unclean Spirits.) . R. Wzirzg

Devil ( 11,) and Anti Chriſt, J... | m_—i_— 202 Diſcett J ſee Judgment, Trial, :

; . . ( b ) Duty)

Part Tl, An-INDEX of the Priefts & Profeſſors, pag. Doing af Things) Phil. 4 "/ cen Do all Things, . Wl Duty) The moſt Faithful Meſſengers of Chriſt have acknowledg-} 198-

n they came ſbort of their _ | Robert Tuck > 199

Eefion ) God hath Ordained ro Eternal Life, all - that * ſhall be Saved, before they had a Being in the World, &c.* 77

(16, 17- 19.) a Tim, Travers, ) *7 Enlighten) Chriſt doth Enlighten none, but thoſe that, do Re- cerve him, ( 14-16,21, 72.) . Hugh Archbal, 18s Fews & Gentites, 180, i181, Engquirers, 89, 90 Enter) Some will Endeavour and Seck to Enter, ( Jews, ©.) and ſhall not be Able. - R. W. 101 | ne. ) Peter's Failing Denying his Maſter, &c, (67, 192, 193, 198 ) R.W. 199

Faith): How clear the Scripture is, Faith comes by Hearing, and not by Minding the Light within, (G. F. Fol. p. 96.) 24.28,. 85 - 89, 117, 157.) [Undbelief, 101,] Thomas Weld, 84 Salvation and Faith are the Gifts of God diftinlt from Chriſt, (27,28. (Fines, 130, 131. Þ oſanna, cc, 143 Fire-brands) Jeſuits and Quakers, they both carry Fire-brands in their T ails. ( Fire-ſhips, 164.] R; W. 45 Form) You call all Men Dead and Carnal in the Serpent's Na- ture, in what Form ſo-ever, &c. (30- 33,44.) H. Haggar, 16; Fulneſs)) The Saints are neither in the Fulneſs of the Godhead, nor in Part; Away. with this Blaſphemy, that ſaith, Thah10, &,- (107): A Magnus Bine, ) * Altowſes) That follow the Mediator from his Cradle and Manger. to his Croſs & Gallowſes with us, &, KR, W. 16> Gifts «of God, &c, Gift of Tongaes, 98, 180, Gifts of Natyre, Solomon's Temple, Moſes's T abernacle, &c. - a5 *s God) AManisnor Abte to Di/cern the T hings of God, till he be

Born agamn, (141, 142.) Hoſanna, I 40. Then ſhall we know- (in the next Life, in the Htavenly State to 200 come) what is God? G&c. (141.) ; R.W.S 201.

They ſay, They are one with God and Chriſt, and know all; Things, and can de alt Things, QC. (24,49, 106, 197, 1 3d *& ſee Chriſt.) Is.) 2

Fhere-is ſomething of God, that 15-from the Power and Wiſdom...



Part Il. and R. ».'s Principles & Aſſertions, &c. pag. of God in the FalPn Spirits, the Devils themſelves. Id. ir They ſay, They Live in God, & Dwell in God. (105, 152.) 1d. 93 God's Government, 80. The Right Hand of God, 117, 124, 134 God 7s 4 Spirit, 149. A Spirit as Iiterally & Properly, &c. 111 Stabbing God and Chriſt, &c. (R,W) 202, 209 God's Temples, p. 125, . The Word, 55 Godhead) By the Creation ſome knew the Eternal Power and

Godhead. (50, 95.) Id. 52

1 find, that there is generally in all Mankind a Conviltion of an

Inviſible, and Onmipotent and Eternal Power and God-

head ; and doth ariſe from the Creation, ( 50, 75, 9 5 163.)

; wW

G1 G2

: The Sight of the Godhead without Faith in Chriſt is the Foun- dation of all Falſe Worſhips. Thomas Higginſon. 61 Goſpel) To ſay, The Goſpel is the Power of God, is a Mcta- phorical Speech. And, The Goſpel 5s no more the Power of ( 17; - God, than the Roſe-Cake, that lay in his Window, (142,)( 194 | Richard Mayo. Grace 5: ſomething, but reacheth = Home,&c, (9,67,89.) R.W. go

Earing). What Warrant have you to go out to the Quakers?) 1 29» Shall a Man go and Hear the Jews and Papilts Maſs, bl 13S cauſe Paul bids, Try all Things. Sam. Hammond.) 11 No Reading or Hearing: can do 4 Soul any Good, until God by the Power or Finger of his own Self, or Spirit, makg the Means Powerful and Effeftual. (74,79, 84, 85, 87 - 89, 95, 96. See Converſion.) R. W. 203 Men and Women in the World, who never Saw nor Heard of any

Glimps of the Sun of Rigbteouſneſs, (9. 10, 17, 18, 20, 7 i 180 R w 181

145. . W. "W- , Philoſophers) The Wiſe Heathen - Philoſophers had a greater Meaſure of Light in them, (which is the Firſt Adam)( 50 than I can think, any Man bath now, (52- 54,95, 111, 200.( 5r 201, Heathen, 151.) | Joſhua Miller.) ,, Heaven «nd Hell) 1: 5s a known Error to ſay, That a Man was in Hell a:4in Heaven. ( Fol. p. 64.) Jer. Ives. 76 G. F. knows, how the Papilts get a world of Money with theſe Notions of Heaven and Hell. R.W. 77

Not believing theſe Fables, he fancies, that Hell is ſome Appre- henſions in the Mind of Wrath to come, &c, (79,80, 99.) Id. 78 (b 2) Heavenly)

——— _ as *—_ .- . , .

\ ] -

Part Il. An INDEX of the Priefis & Profeſſors, par. Heavenly Places) His Sitting in Heavenly Places, &c. (206.)

R. W. 205

Hebrew «nd Greek) Were. it not for Tindal's turning the He-

brew into Engliſh, &c, bow ſbould theſe know @ Creation ?


( 52. 96, 97, 196, ) \W. 95 Holineſs, 66, 68, 106, Honor, 152, ſee Thee & Thou, Horn

of Salvation, - o38, 99


] Mage) Preſerving Scriptures,. elſe the World would fall down

.. and Adore Images. ( 168.) Id. 46 Immortality) The Enjoyment of Iromortality 5 not, till they

have put «off the Body. (49, 50.) © John Deacon, 48

Indians). The Indians America, «: he (G, F.) «nd others? 168 have Paiſaned and Bewitched with Hellsſh Sorceries. *R.W.\ 169 Infiaite ). The Spirits of _ and Men art as Lamps lighted

up, wever to go ant, [ Inviſible, 95-93. | 1d. 10g Inſpirations, : 95, 99, 160, 166. fee Teaching, item; Revelation,

ob ) /God ſchool Job for his Pride and Impatience, &c. 14, 204 CS The Sprrit of God doth net Teach to Judge before the

time, And, Saints ſhall not Judge before the time. (38, 39.)

TIE. Et > Ellis Bradſhaw. 37 The: Judge at the Daor, 8. - Judge the Warld, 40, 128, 134." : Judge of Dottrives, 129, 160. Falfe Judgment, (103, | ' 205, 206

Juſtification 42d Redemption by obeying the Light within is a

Myſtery of Iniquaty. (4=7, 28, 05) Tho. Higginſon. 64.

Ingdom) The Phariſces were far enough of having the

K Kingdom of Heaven within them, rG: F, Fol;. p. 64] 14, 80-83, 127, 165. Fer. Ives. 79 It was Among them wn the Streets, &c, (See PartI. p. 205.) R. W.

If all, | that are in their Farncied Kingdom, are freed from Sin, why; then are they ſubjett to Quaking and Trembling, .as > Wt they were at Mount Sinai ? © 14.2 '*

Kings and Prieſts, IO7. Korah, a I 67, 205, 206

Aw) PeriſWd Souls withaut the Law, Millions of Million:, Snnumerable, R. W. 102 Law n the Heart, 13. Rightconſneſs of the Law, 194 Liberty fo Hear, c— 0, 1zt | LIGHT )


Part Il. and R. w."s.Principles & Aſſertions, &c. pats > LIGHT) Their Light to be Conſcience, ce, (8, 147, 1 rl Ky I92. Id, 4


There may be a Light to Convince of Sin, and yet not within Man, ( 10, 7, 81,82.) Jer. Ives, 70

It is a Counterfeiting of the New Birth, for Men to follow the Light within, where-wuh Men coming into the World _ Enlightned withal. | John Bunyan.

Chriſt, as a Mearator Enlightens none, but the Eleft, (72, 180 - 182, 185) R.W. 16

Where direfts the Scripture to Liſten and Hearken to a Light * and Voice within, affirming, that this is the Hearing, by which( 86 _ is wrought ? ( 147, 155, 164, 190. A Black lmage,( -89 169, ) 1d,

And they, that bring People to look, at the Light within, are as Korah, Dathan «»d Abiram. (54, 166, 167.)